Andrea Sabbatini
  • Software Development
  • Management SW
  • Workstation Utility
  • Web Applications
  • Calc Utilities
  • Windows Phone 7
  • Customer Support
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  • Development
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Projects and Products

Management Applications MOBILE APPS
Plugins Libraries Automation
Standalone Server / Client 3 Tier

Tools and Frameworks

Framework dotNET WinAPI Web Applications
COM / OLE GNU Libs Web Services
Mono Monotouch Mono FOR Android

SW Languages

C# C / C++ ASP.NET 2.0
Silverlight / XAML metro / xaml Obj-c
HTML / DOM Javascript Scripting

(C) Andrea Sabbatini - Sviluppo Software 2005-2024 - P.IVA: 02187020413 - C.F.: SBBNDR75R19G479P
Strada Madonna degli Angeli, 109/C - 61032 Fano (PU)